Hi! Nice to meet you, I’m Emma.
I’m a happy busy babygirl and I live in Amsterdam. I love Amsterdam!
One day, a few years ago, someone said to me: “so cool that you live in Amsterdam – you must have tons of ABDL stuff to do”. And I had to admit that there was – next to nothing.
Something needed to be done! 😀
Club ABDL Party
So one of the first things I did was to bring the Club ABDL party to Amsterdam (it was held only in Antwerp back then). I was one of the volunteers at Club ABDL.
ABDL Kingdom party
The best party in Akhnaton, Amsterdam! We have a cosy time meeting fellow ABDL people. I’m the hostess so I make sure everybody feels welcome and has a good time. ABDLkingdom.nl
My Nursery

And then I thought how it was weird that all ABDL meetings take place in very grown-up venues. So I started a Nursery, where I hosted parties for Littles. I ran my Nursery as a charity (all group activities are free) and I funded my Nursery with private play dates.
ABDL Picnic
Every summer I organise the ABDL Picnic in the Vondelpark in Amsterdam, together with Scenekid. About 70 littles of all ages flock together in the park and it really is the best picnic ever, with drinks and snacks and lots of outdoor games.
Amsterdam Age Play Rave

Sometimes you just need to dance! And so I organise the Amsterdam Age Play Rave a couple of times per year. It’s a fun disco party for littles, with lots of balloons, blacklight and fun music.
There’s a real MC who teaches us how to do dances together!
Emma’s diapers

People often asked me “hey Emma I’m in Amsterdam for a weekend, where can I buy diapers?” and I thought “hey… you can’t!” so I created Emma’s Diapers, a cute pack of two diapers, that is being sold by fetish shops in and outside Amsterdam. I’m so proud of that! Because, not only is it possible for people to buy ABDL diapers over the counter (a lot of people simply cannot order online) it also touched an important part of my mission.
My mission
My mission is to make ABDL one of the more regular fetishes.
Visibility Saves Lives

I want to make age play one of the more well known alternative lifestyles. I want to make ABDL known as a fun thing adults get up to, right up there with bondage, D/s, flogging, corsets, spanking, role play, ball gags, etc, to take a big chunk of stigma away. I want us to be regarded as ‘quite normal’ at least by our fellow kinksters. Cuz we’re not that weird 😀
A first step of that mission is to make ABDL more visible, because as the Dutch say: onbekend maakt onbemind (unknown makes unloved).
I do that by bringing diapers to fetish shops and by doing interviews, like for sex ed platform Bold Pleasures, the TV programme Spuiten en Slikken (click subtitles), fetish magazine MassaD and online magazine Vice.
More recently yo may have seen me on Dutch TV for the NPO Programme “Ik durf het bijna niet te vragen” or the RTL5 talkshow “Dit is mijn keus“.
Kink and leather community
Apart from ABDL I am also involved in the kink scene and in the leather scene. I’m involved in organising kinky parties such as Corner time and Slut Faming, and I am a sex educator.
In October 2020 during Amsterdam Leather Pride I was awarded the title of
Ms Leather Netherlands 2020. After that title year, I was honoured with the title of Ms Fetish Eagle Amsterdam 2021 and Ms Fetish Eagle Amsterdam 2022. This means I am the Dutch ambassador for all fetishes in Nederland.
As a title holder I am known under the name of Karin.